The Telltale Tile

The Telltale TileA lovely story with a happy ending by Olive Thorn Miller

It is Christmas time and Miss Bennet hears that her neigbours may have to go into the poorhouse! Is there anything she can do? She has so little herself. There must be something….

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The Selfish Giant

The Selfish Giant StoryThe wonderful classic from Oscar Wilde.

The Giant returns from abroad to find children playing in his garden, so he throws them out and locks the gate. But why, then, is he not happy? Why do the flowers not grow and the sun not shine? This Giant goes on a beautiful journey all in his back garden!
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Sweetheart Roland

Sweetheart Roland StoryA dark and sad tale from the Brothers Grimm.

Hearing of a plot to kill her, this girl escapes from her step-mother and runs off with her boyfriend. They use some magic to disguise themselves and decide that Roland would go to the village first and return for her. But a long time later, he has not returned…
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Iron Hans

When the king’s son’s ball falls into the cage of the wild man, he opens the door to retreive it, setting the creature free. Grateful, the thing looks after the boy and comes to him when called, presenting whatever he wishes. But will anyone know the truth of who the boy really is?