A Kidnapped Santa Claus

The seven demons are getting lonely because all the children are being so good and don’t need to visit their caves anymore. This Christmas, they have come up with a plan to make the children unhappy so that they will be naughty…

The Shepherdess and the Sweep

The Shepherdess and the Sweep StoryThe Hans Christian Andersen Fairy tale.

The little china ornament Shepherdess and Sweep decide to leave their table and venture out into the wide world, only find themselves back where they started…but something has changed.
Read more about The Shepherdess and the Sweep

The Four Clever Brothers

The Four Clever Brothers StoryA story from the Grimm Brothers.

After four years apart, four brothers and thier father meet to demonstrate their new skills. Learning of a distress call from the King,they set off to help. But which of them should win the prize?
Read more about The Four Clever Brothers

Iron Hans

When the king’s son’s ball falls into the cage of the wild man, he opens the door to retreive it, setting the creature free. Grateful, the thing looks after the boy and comes to him when called, presenting whatever he wishes. But will anyone know the truth of who the boy really is?