Please browse these Frequently Asked Questions to see if your answer is here.

Who is ‘Online Audio Stories’?

The Online Audio Stories website and stories are lovingly created by Abigail. There is some further information about her on the About page.

Are the stories really free?

Absolutely. Please feel free to listen them, however in doing so, you agree to the terms of the website and all the stories are covered by the copyright policy. I hope you enjoy them! :-)

Where do you source your stories?

Online Audio Stories sources stories from the Public Domain. Generally speaking, written works become public domain 70 yrs after the author’s death. This makes the stories pretty old! We are proud to be bringing the tales of old to the youth of today.

How can I use the stories?

Online Audio Stories audio is designed to be enjoyed by the customer and their family. For more details, please see the Copyright Policy and Terms of use. It is very important that you read these terms as all work produced by Online Audio Storise is under strict copyright.

Where can I leave comments?

We relish suggestions and comments. Feel free to leave comments under any story – let us know what you think. We will be moderating all comments before publication.

Can I link to Online Audio Stories?

Yes, by all means 🙂

Do you think these FAQ’s could be improved? Do let us know! :-)